
What are the risks of dermal fillers?

What is a filler? In layman’s terms, it is a series of substances that are injected. In general, the mechanism is similar to the well-known Botox, but the main difference is that fillers do not paralyze and relax the muscles, but fill and lift the skin from the inside. There are many different types of beauty injections. They are similar in function, but differ in the substance taken as their basis. It is the substance that affects the parameters of the fillers such as density, viscosity, duration and effectiveness. What are the risks of dermal fillers?

Fillers – where does the danger lurk?

When the technology first appeared, the ratio of high-quality certified fillers and their more budgetary counterparts was divided roughly equally. Now the share of products of dubious quality that have not yet gone through the certification procedure has become several times greater. So the first thing you should pay attention to if you decide to take a risk in the name of beauty – is the composition of the drug, its reputation and certificate. Otherwise, there is a high probability of encountering side effects in the form of irregularities, subcutaneous lumps, poor lymphatic drainage, bruising, or even rejection of the drug. By the way, allergic reactions to fillers can occur years later, in some cases, injections cause erythema and tumors. It is not nice, and to get the responsibility of a specialist, through whose fault you spoil the health and face, is not always possible. And this is another reason to think about whether it is worth it to decide on the procedure.

If you have sensitive skin or have a tendency to swelling, it is better to forget about fillers. Any injection is a trauma to the skin tissues, which leads to temporary swelling. In addition, all the injection methods that exist at the moment, in one way or another, lead to depletion of the skin, and with regular introduction and provoke a pronounced ptosis, that is, the prolapse of tissue. Even if your skin is not hypersensitive, hyaluronic acid, which is part of the fillers, will still attract water in addition to swelling from the injections. Because of the additional volume and weight of the fillers, we will get the inevitable facial weighting, which will play against us when the short-term lifting effect of the procedure is over. The face will look saggy and deformed.

The final argument against fillers is that you are deliberately cutting yourself off from a lifestyle that could make you look younger, more beautiful and healthier for a longer period of time. The fact is that any activities and procedures that improve blood circulation, metabolism and microcirculation contribute to the rapid absorption of drugs. Therefore, after a cosmetic injection procedure, you will be contraindicated from sports, massage, microcurrent therapy and sauna visits.

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